Cómo podría ser el cine en Internet

Hace unos días estuve hablando con unos colegas sobre el cine y las descargas y cómo podríamos remunerar a los autores de una forma medianamente justa y que a la vez la oferta sea atractiva tanto en comodidad como económicamente para la gente. Ante todo, lo primero es que los títulos estén disponibles en streaming […]

Starcraft Multiplayer on Linux over Hamachi

If you have ever tried to play Starcraft on Linux (using Wine) over Battle.net you must have seen that the interface looks very bad and the text is very hard to read. In my case, I was even unable to sucessfully start a game. So I and my friend decided to try a “local” game […]

Plone 3 Products Development Cookbook

When I received a review request for Plone 3 Products Development Cookbook from Packt, the first thing I thought was: How didn’t I know about this book before, and who are the authors? I’d certainly not heard about them (Juan Pablo Giménez and Marcos F. Romero) nor this upcoming book ever before, but it seems […]

Rueda de prensa sobre la ley antidescargas en Sevilla

Este lunes 19 de abril se celebra en España una Reunión Informal de Ministros de Telecomunicaciones y Sociedad de la Información de la UE en la que pretende aprobarse la propuesta Española por una Europa Digital, también denominada Estrategia de Granada (ciudad en la que tiene lugar el evento). Coincidiendo con este acto, FACUA-Consumidores en […]

My GSoC project proposal: Core tiles development

Update: This project has been accepted! Martin Aspeli will be my mentor. For those of you not familiarized with Plone nor web development nor computers: I want to press a lot of buttons to make the pattern of lights shown in a metal rectangle change however I want. (credits to xkcd #722 😉 For the […]

Plone 3 for Education review

One of the first things you have to keep in mind when considering to get this book is the target audience. If you’re a hard-core developer who keeps Proffessional Plone Development under your pillow, this book might be a bit too “soft” for you. It’s targeted to integrators with little experience in Plone who want […]

Free Culture X Conference Workshops notes

The second day of the Conference was named the “Unconference” and consisted on a series of open workshops proposed by the Conference attendees. The list is quite long and impressive, but at each time there were four or more workshops taking place simultaneuslly, so I wasn’t able to attend them all. 😉 Below you can […]

Por qué quiero ir a estudiar a Barcelona

Son varias las razones que me llevan a solicitar este intercambio. La primera de todas es que Barcelona es una ciudad que, desde la primera vez que la visité, me ha resultado tremendamente atractiva. Mis visitas han sido siempre bastante cortas y no he tenido demasiado tiempo para dar vueltas por la ciudad, pero lo […]

Porting PHC to Plone 4

I’ve spent some time this weekend updating the Plone Help Center product to work in Plone 4, specifically in Plone 4.0a2. Some reasons/excuses: I had free time. I love coding for fun. I wanted to experience myself how easy/hard can be to updating a Plone 3 product to work in Plone 4. The changelog will […]